Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wishing Our Lives Away

Steve Graham
Words and Music

Longing for things that never were
Hoping for something that we know for sure
Wishing our lives away

Waiting for a better day
Not knowing what to do or what to say
Holding our dreams at bay

I could never tell what was on your mind
What you were thinking or why you were crying
I pleaded but you never did say

Day by day, year by year
Charging around ignoring our fears
Pretending all is well come what may

I could never tell what was on your mind
What you were thinking or why you were crying
I pleaded but you never did say

Day by day, year by year
Charging around ignoring our fears
Pretending all is well come what may

Longing for things that never were
Hoping for something that we know for sure
Wishing our lives away

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